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Coding Hunt

Coding Club x Ambiora 2024


Welcome to Ambiora 2024 Coding Hunt!

This competitive event consists of a quiz and a coding round.
Team is consist of 3 coders.
Solve coding problems under time constraints to earn balloons and increase team points.

For more information, download the Rulebook.

View Rulebook

Quiz Round

The quiz consists of 30 questions, each question is worth 5 points.covering algorithmic problems, problem-solving scenarios, and mathematics.
All teams have 45 minutes to complete the quiz on the below portal.

Quiz portal.

Coding Round

The coding round consists of two sub-rounds, each lasting 50 minutes. In each sub-round, teams will solve coding problems under time constraints.

For every problem solved under 5 minutes, teams will earn 2 balloons. Solving a problem in under 10 minutes will earn 1 balloon. Each balloon is equivalent to 10 points. Additionally, successfully solving a problem will earn the team 15 points (Round-1) and 20 points (Round-2).

For more details and to access the coding problems, please visit the following links:

Point Distributions & Leaderboard

Quiz consists of 30 questions, each question is worth 5 points.

Coding round consists of 2 sub-rounds, each lasting 50 minutes. Solving a problem under 5 minutes earns 2 balloons, and solving it under 10 minutes earns 1 balloon. Each balloon is worth 10 points, and successful problem-solving earns 15 points (Round-1) and 20 points (Round-2).

For real-time updates and leaderboard standings, visit the below link:

Live Leaderboard